Outside the Circle

Cindy Milstein

Finding Our Way

My friend Jose Cruz shared this stencil of his recently, noting that “bigger than hate is our natural love 4 each other.” He then paired this pair of kids with some words of mine, for what seemed to me a lovely collaboration. As usual, I’m grateful for him as a person, awake as fuck to this world, with both his sharp social critique and loving social vision — and artistic hand. Here, then, is the picture-essay he created, with image by him and words by me:

“I’m in one of those moments when I’m proud to be an anarchist. Despite our messiness, or more precisely, because we’re not afraid of our messy misfitness with this barbaric world, anarchists busy themselves with the collective creation of brave spaces while bravely lending solidarity to all those targeted by this fascistic social order. Anarchism — and anarchists — are far from perfect. It is not perfection that should be sought. It is holding out our brave hearts, with love and rage and empathy, to other brave hearts, and finding our way through this storm.”




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This entry was posted on February 13, 2018 by in Dispatches from Life, Dispatches from Rebellious Spaces.